BRING IT ON – By Jen Morgan

Partnering with Diana on writing my introductory book, “Bring It On ~ Faith Carried Me From Tragedy to Triumph” was truly an experience I will cherish forever. A lot of fear and self doubt comes along with putting pieces of your heartache out there for others to read, but with Diana as my guide, listening to my heart and my journey, I felt at ease and safe. She was always professional and attentive to my needs, making a point to really hear me when I wanted to get something specific across to my reader. She took details that I thought might be small and made them meaningful and impactful. I could never imagine having anyone else by my side on this emotional ride and I feel blessed to not only have her as a partner in writing but as a sister for life. 


I wish I could say that every day of my life has been spent on courage, but I can’t. I wish I could say that my faith has always been Abraham strong, but I would be misleading you. What I can say is that my fear and brokenness are nothing but smoke against the powerful grace of Jesus. What I can say to the hurt and all the pain today is “Bring it On!”

Through years of leading women through disruptions in life, the Holy Spirit has taught me to be bold in my own disruptions. Loss, grief, and insecurities are crippling at times, but I have learned to set my eyes on my Heavenly Father and this book is the result. Bring It On!

It confronts what keeps you from being bold. It will disarm your insecurities, the need to be perfect, and the lies of the enemy with the Word of Jesus Christ. It will set you free from the fear of life’s disruptions, and you will know that Christ is your rescue. Christ is ready. So, Bring it On!





It’s been said you are not a prophet in your own home! So when I read this review from Jen Morgan’s daughter, I was moved to tears. She went into detail and that in itself speaks volumes of the impact Jen is already making with her book.

Hi! I’m reading your book so I figured instead of a text or call saying how proud of you I am (which I am), I would send you my thoughts after each chapter. So here we go!

Chapter 1

First of all, I don’t even know why I grabbed a highlighter because I swear I’ve already highlighted every single thing you’ve said. Your writing has dug so deep into my heart and already made me see you and your struggles differently. I love that you started with the metaphor about the mountains and rounded it out by the end with the steps about getting real with yourself. When you talked about your struggles with wanting to feel good on the inside you tried hard to look good on the outside to compensate really resonated with me. All of your words describe how hard self-love is hit every single nail on the head. Some of what you said I didn’t even know that’s how I felt until I read your words. This first chapter has already made me want to buy 50 more copies and give them to every girl/woman I know. It’s so amazing

Chapter 2

Okay so one tip, this chapter should come with a tissue box. The words you wrote that described your deep struggles with sexual abuse, marital issues, and the death of uncle paul cut so deep into my heart. I felt as though I could feel your pain. Talking about your mask and how it was almost an escape for you will resonate with every single person that reads this book and no doubt will have every single one of them questioning why they’re still wearing it. I loved this chapter, especially the tips for managing your emotions and your mistakes. It’s one thing to know about your mistakes and emotions but managing them and coming to terms with them is something that takes a lot of strength and you made it sound so freeing and lovely

Chapter 3

LOVE how you started this one by talking about your lashes! So you!! This one was a hard chapter for me because as you know I do tend to fake it a lot. It really made me sit down and look into myself and who I am and why I hide who I am or close up when deep down I am seeking help. I loved how you spoke about social media and the quote “the highlight reel of other people’s lives can be a slippery slope for some of us that struggle with self-esteem” hit hard, I love that quote. The questions at the end of this chapter really gave me a challenge and I realize I need to dig even deeper into myself and what my deep insecurities are that make me not comfortable with my natural self.

Chapter 4

This chapter describes you and your mission so well. The turning point of your grief and your true realization of what God had entrusted you with is so amazing. You can feel your passion flowing through these pages. Any woman that is going through any sort of deep pain or grief will immediately be comforted by your words and passion in this chapter. You have truly endured a lot and are turning it into something so amazing. Your mission and gift from God are so cool, you’re the strongest person I know.

Chapter 5

This chapter is the epitome of taking your own advice. I feel like you wrote this and now this is exactly what you need to hear. Your sisterhood should be an unbreakable bond. A love that you know deep down will always be strong and true. It’s okay to let people go and still know that the sisterhood you do have is strong and will have your back through it all. P.S. you’re my favorite sister in my sisterhood

Chapter 6

This final chapter is the perfect close to such an incredible book. The meaning of living out loud and empowering all the people around you to live the same way is so inspiring. When you let your true light shine it will shine over all aspects and areas and people in your life. I love your message of hope and compassion and truly do believe you are such a safe and encouraging place for any woman or person out there.

Overall, mom, this book is amazing you freaking killed it. You are so so so talented. I am beyond impressed and can not express my love and admiration for you to the extent that I’d like (just know it’s a hell of a lot!!!!)

I love you!!!!!

Check out her review on:

Voyage Dallas Magazine

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